一、SMH three screw pump overview: used for transporting temperature ≤ 150 ℃, viscosity of 3-760cSt, containing no solid particles, non corrosive, has the lubrication performance of the media. Mainly used in oil transportation,hydraulic engineering, marine engineering, petrochemical and other industries.
Performance characteristics of three screw pump two, SMH:
1, has the advantages of simple structure, convenient assembly and disassembly; has the advantages of small volume, light weight; slight wear, long life
2, rotor hydraulic balance, small vibration, low noise.
3, medium for linear continuous conveying, no mixing, no pulse. The output stability,no pulsation.
4, the pressure of high stability, high efficiency
5, has a strong self absorption capacity.
6, parts of the universal series design, have a variety of installation.
7, can be in high speed;
Main technical parameters three, SMH three screw pump:
1、流量范圍:10~10000 L/min (升/分鐘) 0.6~600m3/h (立方/小時)
1, flow range: 10 ~ 10000 L/min (L / min) 0.6 ~ 600m3/h (cubic meters / hour)
2、壓力范圍:0~6Mpa(兆帕)0~60 bar(巴) 0-60 kg/f (公斤力/平方厘米)
2, the pressure range: 0 ~ 6Mpa (Zhao Pa) 0 ~ 60 bar (BA) 0-60 kg/f (kg / cm2)
3、輸送介質粘度范圍:2-10000 cst(厘斯)
3, the transmission medium viscosity range: 2-10000 CST (CST)
4、泵送溫度:300 ℃ (攝氏度)
4, pumping temperature: 300 ℃ (Celsius)
5、容許zui高轉速:3600 r/min (轉/分鐘)
5, to allow maximum speed: 3600 r/min (RPM)
SMH three screw pump application and fluid treatment media
1, petroleum refinery
Conveying, circulation, mixing or delivery pump for all types of cleaning, lubrication,low / high viscous liquid,engine oil, lubricating oil, crude oil, fuel oil, asphalt, oil, paraffin wax, as the bubble jet pump used in the fire control system.
2、造船 造船學 造船業
2, the shipbuilding shipbuilding shipbuilding industry
Used as lubricating oil, transmission, control, hydraulic, cooling / cycle, fuel / dieselpump diesel engine, gas turbine and gearbox. Ship used in the loading unloading pump, pump, pump, booster pump, fuel injection and oil pumps and marine hydraulic pump device.
3、化學藥品 化學品 化工
3, chemicals chemicals
With the transfer, circulation, mixing or export pump for all types of cleaning, lubrication, low / high viscous liquid,such as. Additive, resin, grease, glue, adhesive, isocyanate, polyol, paint.
4, the power and fuel system
使用作為輸送泵、供油泵和裝載泵,運輸的沉重和輕油油,泵送所有潤滑性液體。0#輕柴油,重柴油,輕柴油,重油,燃油,燃料油,原油,冷卻液,冷卻水,磨削液,含蠟稀油等,在水泥廠 鍋爐廠 供熱單位 熱電廠 煤氣化 煤化工單位做窯頭點火油泵 燃油泵 供油泵裝置
Used as a pump, pump and loading pump, transport of heavy and light oil, pump all the lubricating liquid. 0# light diesel oil, heavy diesel oil, light diesel oil, heavy oil, fuel oil, fuel oil, crude oil, coolant, cooling water, grinding fluid,waxy oil, do the kiln head in coal chemical unit of gas heating unit boiler factory, cement plant ignition fuel pump fuel pump pump device
5, rotation and general machinery
Used as lubricating oil, oil, hydraulic, cooling / cycle, fuel / diesel pump diesel engine, compressor, gas, steam,water turbine and gearbox. In machinery industry used for hydraulic, lubrication and remote control motor pump.
泵型式代號: SM H 210 R 46 K 2 Y- W3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. 系列
2. 型式
3. 規格
4. 主桿的方向(R=右旋 L=左旋)(1).從驅動端看,若要求泵軸順時針轉動,則選R,逆時針轉動,則選L。
5. 螺旋角度
6. 結構特性及軸承
8. 泵體
9. 材料組合
公 司 名稱: | 黃山天曼泵業有限公司 |
姓名: | 程曉 (銷售 ) () |
辦 公 地址: | 中國 黃山市徽州區城北工業園 |
郵 編: | 245400 |
電 話: | 86- |
傳 真: | 86- |
移 動 : | |
郵 箱: | Hstmby01 |
: |
阿 里 旺旺: | 旺旺:hstmby01 |
公司主頁: | http;//www.hstmby.com http://www.cntmby.com |
Company name: Mount Huangshan teamon pump industry limited company
Contact person: Mr. Cheng Xiao (Sales Manager) ()
Office address: China Huangshan City Huizhou area north of the City Industrial Park
Postal Code: 245400
: Hstmby01
: :
A: I want to: hstmby01
Company homepage: http; //www.hstmby.com
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- SMH40R38E6.7W21SMH40R38E6.7W21三螺桿泵/輕柴油、燃油輸送泵
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- SMH940R46E6.7W29SMH三螺桿泵、SMH940R46E6.7W29三螺桿泵、水泥廠用
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- SMH660R54E6.7W29SMH660R54E6.7W29三螺桿泵/SM系列高壓油泵