加工定制:是 | 品牌:金中KQK | 型號:非標液壓系統定做設計 |
合用范圍:油壓機、車輛產業、船舶、輪胎機、拉伸機械、壓床機械、橡膠發 | 產品別號:液壓系統液壓站 | 材質:鑄鐵 |
合用介質:液壓油 | 合用溫度:-10-70(℃) | 公稱壓力:31(MPa) |
1)在管路中裝油濾,以保護閥的供油管路和壓力管路。 液壓系統的維護:
3)用一種易干的清潔溶劑清洗油箱,再用經由過濾的空氣清除溶劑殘渣。 。
GW:www.yeyaxt.com www.jzyyz.com www.pumps88.com
Dongguan hydraulic system supporting manufacturers , hydraulic system process design , gold custom manufacturer of hydraulic pump station
Custom processing: Brand: Golden KQK Type: Non-standard hydraulic system custom design
Combined range: hydraulic machines, industrial vehicles , ships, tire machine, stretching machinery, mechanical presses , rubber hair products alias : Hydraulic system Hydraulic station Material: cast iron
Combined medium: hydraulic oil combined temperature : -10-70 (℃) Nominal pressure : 31 (MPa)
1 Low Energy: The perfect design circuit , all the energy required is not extravagant.
Hydraulic characteristics
2 Low noise: construction detail, quality and precision , low noise.
Three models fruitful : many combinations of asphalt models fruitful .
4 scale circuit, control circuit , maintenance easily .
5 Space-saving : pump and motor directly coupled to save space.
7 Special models can be adjusted with customer demand , accept custom .
1 ) are installed in the pipe oil filter to protect the valve supply line and pressure line . Hydraulic system maintenance :
Before a system is put into generally required by erosion, scour aim is to remove residual contaminants in the system , scrap metal , fiber compounds , core , etc., in the first two hours of work , even if not compley damage the system will caused by a series of failures .
If the system using the servo valve , I might say a few words , the servo valve was washed plates make the flow of oil from the current collector supply line and return directly to the tank , so you can make the oil flow smoothly again to flush the system , so that the oil filter to filter out solid particles , erosion process, not every 1 to 2 hours to check the oil filter , oil filter to prevent clogging by contaminants , then do not open the bypass , if discovered oil filter starts immediay clogged oil filter .
2 ) Ensure that no foreign particles from the fuel tank vent cap , oil filter the plug seat, return line gaskets and other ashamed at the tank into the tank . So it should be according to the following steps to clean the system oil :
3 ) with an easy to dry cleaning solvent cleaning tank , and then through the filtered air purge solvent residue. .
4 ) All piping cleaning system , in some cases require the immersion pipes and joints .
5 ) good repair leaks in the system .
6 ) Check the hydraulic oil is acidifying pollution or other contaminants , hydraulic oil flavor can roughly identify whether deterioration.
7 ) attach the collector plate in place of a precise flush valve , such as electro-hydraulic servo valve.
8 ) Regular flushing pump inlet oil filter .
Cycle of erosion by the system's structure and systems to determine the extent of contamination , if the filter media is no or very little external sample contamination , then put on a new oil filter , remove the flush plate , mounted on the valve work !
Planned Maintenance: Regular maintenance rail system create a system , the hydraulic system better maintenance recommendations are as follows :
9 ) up to 500 hours or three months is necessary to check and replacement fluids.
10 ) Check that all piping is the right size , the connection is accurate.
Free hotline :400 -080-3988
Landline 0769 -22,859,339
GW: www.yeyaxt.com www.jzyyz.com www.pumps88.com
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