SEIM brand screw pump is widely used in cooling and lubricating oil industry, chemical industry, shipbuilding industry, transportation industry, part
PA series: medium of hydraulic oil and lubricating oil, the maximum continuous working pressure: 50bar (2900r/min)
PCX series: medium of hydraulic oil and lubricating oil maximum continuous working pressure: 30bar (2900r/min and 1450r/min) PCXV series: medium of hydraulic oil and lubricating oil, the maximum continuous working pressure: 30bar (2900r/min and 1450r/min) PDA series: medium of hydraulic oil and lubricating oil, the maximum continuous working pressure 10bar, safety valve standards set for 6bar
PDK series: medium of hydraulic oil and lubricating oil, the maximum continuous working pressure 16bar, safety valve standards set for 10bar
PO4系列:于低粘度的冷卻液,乳化液,zui大連續工作壓力60bar, 轉速 2900 rpm時PO6系列:于低粘度的冷卻液,乳化液,zui大連續工作壓力100bar,轉速 2900 rpm時POF系列:介質液壓油,潤滑油,zui高連續工作壓力:2900rpm時壓力為120bar
PO4 series: the coolant, dedicated to the low viscosity of emulsion, the maximum continuous working pressure 60bar, speed of 2900 rpm PO6 series: the coolant, dedicated to the low viscosity of emulsion, the maximum continuous working pressure 100bar, speed of 2900 rpm POF series: hydraulic oil, lubricating oil, the maximum continuous working pressure: 2900rpm when the pressure is 120bar
PQJ series: hydraulic oil, lubricating oil, maximum working pressure 10bar with safety valve: standard setting 5bar
YPXFPZ series: hydraulic oil, lubricating oil, maximum working pressure is 16bar (speed 1000-1800r/m).
SEIM三螺桿泵具備以下特性:流量可達到5400L/min,如果需要流量還可以增大;壓力可以達到200bar,如果需要壓力還可以增大;使用于潤滑系統(礦物油合成油均可,使用粘度可以超100.000cSt,切削液,水乳膠,航空油,絕緣流體,重燃料油,硅膠等等);執行石油化工API676 標準;防爆型泵通過了海洋軍方認證;可選擇是否帶溢流閥。
SEIM three screw pump has the following characteristics: flow rate can reach 5400L/min, if need to flow can also increase; the pressure can reach 200bar, if need to pressure can also increase; used in lubrication system (mineral oil, synthetic oil can, using the viscosity can be super 100.000cSt, cutting fluid, water emulsion, aviation oil, insulating fluid, heavy fuel oil silica gel, etc.); the implementation of standards of petrochemical API676; explosion-proof pump through the marine military certification; can choose whether or not to take relief valve.
SEIM賽姆公司 成立至今已三十多年,一直生產螺桿泵,早已世界,并處于市場的地位。賽姆公司 曾經生產超過百萬件螺桿泵、超過五萬件冷卻器和溢流閥,使賽姆公司 在各行各業的過濾、潤滑油循環、冷卻及液壓系統應用的范疇上享譽。賽姆公司 現時位于意大利的生產基地,每年生產超過50,000件螺桿泵。其中約30,000件用于液壓升降機的動力站上,賽姆公司 的投資和生產方向,一直著重于保持產品的質與量,所以早于1995年已取得ISO 9001認證,更于2003年10月伸延至UNI EN ISO 9001:2000認證。
SEIM Syme since the establishment of the company has more than thirty years, has been the production of screw pump, already well known in the world, and a leading position in the international market. Syme had produced more than one million pieces of screw pump, more than fifty thousand pieces of cooler and the overflow valve, the company reputation in all walks of life Syme application filter, lubricating, cooling and hydraulic system on the category of the international. Syme, located in Italy production base, annual production of more than 50000 pieces of screw pump. Of which about 30000 for power hydraulic lift station, Symecompany investment and production direction, has been focused on maintaining the quality and quantity of products, so as early as 1995 has achieved ISO 9001 certification, in 2003October to UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 authentication extension.
PO6 SEIM系列的三螺旋泵的設計工作與機床冷卻劑為高壓泵的應用程序。It’s self-priming capability and low noise level allows continuous duty at 100 bar (1450 PSI) with typically water-based emulsions.這是自吸能力和低噪音水平允許連續運行在100巴(1450 PSI)與一般水性乳劑。
The PO's series inlet port is available in either axial or radial configurations and the PO Series operates at 5 to 74 GPM at pressures up to 1450 PSI at a temperature range of 32° to 140° F.PO的系列進氣口有要么軸向或徑向配置和PO系列操作在5到74流量在1450 PSI的壓力在一個溫度范圍的32°至140°F。
SEIM screws pumps are volumetric self-priming pumps suited to handle various oils and also other fluids with minimum lubricating properties. SEIM螺絲泵體積自吸泵適合處理各種油類和其他液體與zui低的潤滑性能。The pumps design makes them intrinsically reliable and efficient in their applications.泵的設計使其在本質上可靠和有效的在他們的應用程序。
Very low noise levels非常低的噪音水平
Wide range viscosity compatibility廣泛粘度兼容性
High rotation rates = minimizing the size and cost of the pump高旋轉zui小化大小和成本的泵
No vibrations沒有振動
Minimum sensitivity to particle pollutionzui小靈敏度粒子污染
High self-priming capacity高自吸能力
Special design for systems with entrained air in the lubricant特殊設計的系統加氣的潤滑劑
During operation, the PO entraps air bubbles inside is body to suppress system noise在操作期間,阿寶entraps氣泡內的身體來抑制系統噪聲
SEIM PO Screw PumpsSEIM阿寶螺桿泵
SEIM - PO Series Pump TypeSEIM - PO系列泵型
3 Screw Pump3螺桿泵
Horizontal Pump Mounting臥式泵安裝
SEIM - PO Series MaterialsSEIM - PO系列材料
316 Stainless Steel316不銹鋼
Cast Iron鑄鐵
SEIM - PO Series IndustriesSEIM - PO系列產業
Clear Liquids Pumping Applications清澈液體泵應用
Oil Pumping Applications泵油應用
High Viscosity Fluid Pumping高粘度流體泵送
Plant Engineering Pumping植物工程泵送
SEIM - PO Series ApplicationsSEIM - PO系列應用程序
Recirculation Systems Pumping再循環系統抽水
Lubrication Systems Pumping潤滑系統抽水
High Pressure Pumping高壓泵
公 司 名稱: | 黃山天曼泵業有限公司 |
姓名: | 程曉 (銷售 ) () |
辦 公 地址: | 中國 黃山市徽州區城北工業園 |
郵 編: | 245400 |
電 話: | 86- |
傳 真: | 86- |
移 動 : | |
郵 箱: | Hstmby01 |
: |
阿 里 旺旺: | 旺旺:hstmby01 |
公司主頁: | http;//www.hstmby.com http://www.luogb.com http://www.cntmby.com http://www.tm-p.cc |
Company name: Mount Huangshan teamon pump industry limited company
Contact person: Mr. Cheng Xiao (Sales Manager) ()
Office address: China Huangshan City Huizhou area north of the City Industrial Park
Postal Code: 245400
: Hstmby01
: :
A: I want to: hstmby01
Company homepage: http; //www.hstmby.comhttp://www.luogb.com
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