粉碎設備 混合設備 分離設備 濃縮結晶設備 傳質設備 干燥設備 反應設備 換熱設備 制冷設備 空分設備 儲存設備 鍋爐|加熱設備 包裝機械 輸送設備 化工實驗室設備
浙江國自機器人技術股份有限公司專注于移動機器人的開發和推廣,集科研開發、生產制造、市場營銷及工程服務為一體, 致力于為市場提供的具有國際競爭力的機器人技術、產品和解決方案,業務已覆蓋智能移動機器人、智能制造等領域。公司產品廣泛應用于電力、汽車、橡膠輪胎、物流、煤炭、鐵路等行業,擁有、南網、、杭叉、娃哈哈、中策等客戶。公司技術實力強勁,擁有移動機器人技術研發能力,覆蓋機器人技術相關機械、電路、軟件、算法、電氣、整機集成交叉學科全領域。公司技術體系圍繞自主導航技術、運動底盤技術,輔以數據智能分析技術和執行機構精確操作技術,讓機器人多樣化適應惡劣環境,能靈活運用并全面代替人工作業。公司已掌握智能移動機器人基于多傳感器融合的環境學習與精確定位技術、動態路徑規劃與精確軌跡跟蹤技術、移動機器人多軸協同高效平穩控制技術、基于深度學習與智能云的數據挖掘技術、多智能體分布式協作技術、特種環境防護技術與本質安全技術等一系列移動機器人技術。 Zhejiang Guozi RoboticsCo., Ltd. is focusing on development and promotion of robots. Our company integrates scientific research, manufacturing, marketing and engineering service, providing the top robot technologies and best products and solutions in the world. Our business covers intelligent robots, intelligent manufacturing and so on. Products are widely used in electric power, auto, rubber tire, logistics, papermaking, coal, railway and other industries. The company has a batch of high-end customers including State Grid Corporation of China, China Southern Power Grid, Greatstar, Hangcha, Wahaha and Zhongce Rubber. The company owns a powerful technical strength, has an omni-directional technical research and development capacity for robots, which covers machinery, electric circuit, software, algorithm, electrical, complete equipment integration and other inter-discipline fields related to robot technologies. The technology system of the company is centering on the international leading autonomous navigation technology, chassis technology, supplemented intelligent data analysis technology and accurate actuator operation technology, so as to achieve the robot diversification for severe environments and realize flexible use to completely replace manual operation. The company has grasped a series of domestic advanced technologies and international top technologies, like environmental learning and accurate positioning technology of intelligent robots based on multi-sensor fusion, dynamic path planning and accurate trajectory tracking technology, multi-shaft synchronous efficient and stable control technology for robots, data mining technology based on deep learning and smart cloud, multi-agent distributed cooperation technology, special environmental protection technology and intrinsic safety technology.
注冊資本: 9295.15234375萬元 [已認證]
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