SNH440R40U12.1W2三螺桿泵 SNH440R40U12.1W21三螺桿泵 SNH440R40U12.1W23三螺桿泵
SNH440R40UM3NW2三螺桿泵 SNH440R40UM3NW21三螺桿泵 SNH440R40UM3NW23三螺桿泵
SNH440R40U8W2三螺桿泵 SNH440R40U8W21三螺桿泵 SNH440R40U8W23三螺桿泵
SNH440R40E6.7W2三螺桿泵 SNH440R40E6.7W21三螺桿泵 SNH440R40E6.7W23三螺桿泵
功率: 7.46 kw
進出口徑:125mm 100mm
天曼三螺桿泵 品質* 值得信賴
三螺桿泵主要是由固定在泵體中的襯套 ( 泵缸 ) 以及安插在泵缸中的主動螺桿和與其嚙合的兩根從動螺桿所組成。三根互相 嚙合的螺桿,在泵缸內按每個導程形成為一個密封腔,造成 吸排口之間的密封
三螺桿泵工作時,由于兩從動螺桿與主動螺桿左右對稱嚙合, 故作用在主動螺桿上的徑向力*平衡,主動螺桿不承受彎 曲負荷。從動螺桿所受徑向力沿其整個長度都由泵缸襯套來支承,因此,不需要在外端另設基本上也不承受彎曲負荷。在運行中,螺桿外圓表面和泵缸內壁之間形成的一層油膜,可防止金屬之間的直接接觸,使螺桿齒面的磨損大大減少。
盡管三螺桿泵有諸多優勢,但若選型不當,則不僅得不到滿意的運行效果,而且會導致泵的噪音和振動,甚至嚴重損壞泵的內部零件,使泵系統 不能正常工作,因此,選型人員應多方慎重考慮,合理選型 ,必要時應向我公司技術部門咨詢。三螺桿泵選型時,要盡可能詳盡地了解泵的使用條件,除了運行參數,如流量 ,壓力需要清楚以外,輸送介質的特性如介質的腐蝕性,含汽量,含固溶物的比率及固體顆粒的大小,以及介質的工作溫度,粘度,比重,對材料的腐蝕性等和泵裝置的吸入條件,安裝條件均要了解。
SN三螺桿泵開頭 SN three screw pump start
Three screw pump is the common equipment in the field of industrial machinery, often used inconveying lubricating medium liquid. The device has a lot of advantages, take the SN three screw pump has many unique properties, it is these properties to ensure the equipmentwidely used in space.
1 high efficiency. SN three screw pump can ensure the security of the medium in the transport of lubricating medium, and the rotation speed in the process of using moderate, not a fault, ensure the normal operation of the construction industry.
2 design innovation. Universal design is very strong with SN three screw pump, the feasibility and convenience at the same time, considering the equipment use process, adopt different methods of installation. This can be achieved in a multi way, reduce industrial equipmentexpenditure. Is a good way to achieve long-term enterprise broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure. And the screw pump structure is compact, even very high speed alsocan bear down. Volume, light weight for its high speed provides good protection.
3 stable working performance, no high noise. Judging whether the performance of amechanical equipment have advantages, in addition to the article in its work efficiency, also need to judge the process of using the noise size. Noisy equipment is not conducive to theoperation, but also on the staff of the listening effect. This device adopts the principle of rotorhydraulic balance, with vibration and sound very low and operation. And the performance in the work is stable, ensure the production of normal.
現在工業的發展是突飛猛進的,設備的更新換代也是很快的。但是對于螺桿泵來說,從其產生到現在已經有170多年的歷史了。可見螺桿泵的應用時間之長。這與螺桿泵的優勢特點是分不開的。根據以上的介紹,相信大家對SN三螺桿泵的優勢特點已經了解的很清楚了。這樣在使用該設備時候就能夠很好的利用其特點為工業生產服務。在選型時候除了掌握SN三螺桿泵的性能特點外,還需要掌握SN 系列螺桿泵選型步驟,這些細節能夠為選擇更好的螺桿泵打下堅定的基礎。
Now the industry make a spurt of progress of development, upgrading of equipment is also very fast. But for the screw pump, from its birth to now have 170 years of history. Applicationof screw pump long time visible. Advantages of this and screw pump is inseparable.According to the above introduction, believe that everyone on the SN three screw pump's advantage has been well understood. So it can be characterized by good services for industrial production in the use of the device. In the selection of time in addition toperformance characteristics of SN master of the three screw pump, but also need to have SNseries screw pump selection steps, to lay a firm foundation screw pump these details canchoose the better.
一、特點 A, characteristics
SN三螺桿泵 SN three screw pump
1.轉子液壓平衡,振動小,噪音低。 1. The rotor hydraulic balance, little vibration, low noise.
2.輸出穩定,無脈動。 2. Stable output, no pulse.
3.高效率。 3. High efficiency.
4.具有很強的自吸能力。 4. Has the very strong self-priming capacity.
5. Par ts of the strong commonality series design, have a variety of installation.
6. Compact structure, small volume, light weight, can be in high speed.
二、輸送介質種類 Second, transport medium type
a. 潤滑性液體:如機械油,滑油,重油,渣油
A. lubricity liquid: such as JiXieYou, lub oil, heavy oil, residue
b. 低潤滑性液體:如輕柴油,重柴油,含蠟稀油
B. low lubricity liquid: such as light diesel oil, heavy diesel, of wax thin oil
c. 粘性液體:如各種合成橡膠液和人造膠液,乳化液
C. viscous liquid: such as all kinds of synthetic rubber fluid and artificial glue, emulsion
三、應用 Three, application
in heating equipment to be used for fuel, fuel supply and pump.
· in machinery industry used for hydraulic, lubrication and remote control motor pump.
· in chemical petroleum chemical engineering and the food industry to be used for loading, transportation and for pump.
· on the vessel, conveying, used for boosting fuel injection and lubrication oil pump, and Marine hydraulic pump device.
Low pressure lubrication system in the world with pump, widely used in hydraulic system lubrication, circulation, cooling, flowing, for discharge, solve a series of application condition requirements, no pulse, big flow, low voltage transmission in a wide range of applications.
公 司 名稱: | 黃山天曼泵業有限公司 |
姓名: | 程曉 (銷售 ) () |
辦 公 地址: | 中國 黃山市徽州區城北工業園 |
郵 編: | 245400 |
電 話: | 86- |
傳 真: | 86- |
移 動 : | |
郵 箱: | Hstmby01 |
: |
阿 里 旺旺: | 旺旺:hstmby01 |
公司主頁: | http;//www.hstmby.com http://www.cntmby.com |
Company name: Mount Huangshan teamon pump industry limited company
Contact person: Mr. Cheng Xiao (Sales Manager) ()
Office address: China Huangshan City Huizhou area north of the City Industrial Park
Postal Code: 245400
: Hstmby01
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A: I want to: hstmby01
Company homepage: http; //www.hstmby.com
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