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浙江捷盛低溫設備有限公司是一家生產超低溫保存箱的專業廠家,公司具有二十年超低溫制冷技術及產品的研發和生產經驗。公司生產的“捷盛"品牌超低溫保存箱在市場上享有很高的聲譽。 公司擁有國際的具有自主知識產權的自覆疊單級制冷系統、混合工質超低溫制冷技術,并取得多項國家。生產的超低溫保存箱采用國際品牌壓縮機、溫控器、冷凝風機;優質銅管蒸發器,304不銹鋼內膽。產品具有性能優異(制冷強勁、降溫快、箱溫低)、高效節能、可靠耐用等特點。產品適用于金槍魚等深海魚蝦、特殊食品如冰淇淋低溫保鮮、展示以及生物材料、化工材料等的低溫保存;也可用于電子部件、金屬零件等的低溫試驗或低溫處理。產品廣泛應用于日料餐飲、海釣、海洋漁業、食品冷凍、科研院所實驗室、生物制藥、農業畜牧業、電子化工、機械制造、航天航空、等場所或領域。 目前,公司主要生產 -45°C 至 -150°C各溫區系列低溫、超低溫保存箱、工業深冷處理箱,如金槍魚冷柜、實驗室超低溫冰箱、低溫展示柜、速凍箱等。“捷盛"品牌超低溫保存箱深受廣大用戶喜愛,產品出口美國、大洋洲、東南亞、歐洲、中東等國際市場。 本著“誠信、創新、服務、共贏"的經營理念,公司全體員工愿與您攜手共進,共創美好未來。Zhejiang Jiesheng Low-Temp Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of ultra low temperature freezers with 20 years experience on R&D and production. “Jiesheng" brand ultra low temperature freezers enjoy good reputation in the markets. The ULT refrigeration technology of auto cascade single-stage refrigeration system and mixed CFC free refrigerants with independent IPR(intellectual property rights) owned by our company is advanced in China and in the world, we obtained many related national patents. The freezers we produced use world famous brands compressors, temperature controllers and EBM fan motor, quality copper tube evaporator, SUS304 interior. The freezers we manufactured feature with superior performance (strong refrigeration, fast cooling and lower temperature), high efficiency & energy saving and reliable & durable. Our products are used for fresh storage of tuna fish and other high-grade seafood and display of special foods such as ice cream, freezing storage of biological samples and materials and chemical materials, low temperature test and cold treatment of electronic & mechanical components in the places and industries of Japanese restaurants and catering industry, deep sea fishing, distant fishery & food freezing, laboratories of institutes & universities, biotech, pharmaceuticals, agriculture & animal husbandry, electronics & chemistry, machine manufacturing, aerospace, military etc. We are now manufacturing -45°C ~ -150°C ultra low temperature freezers and industrial freezers with different temperatures and sizes such as super low freezers for tuna & deep seafood, laboratory cryogenic freezers, industrial freezers for cryogenic treatment, display freezers, blast freezers. “Jiesheng"brand ultra low temperature freezers are popular with our users and have been exported to the markets of America, Oceania, South East Asia, Europe and Middle East. With our operation philosophies of “Credit, Innovation, Service, Mutual Benefit", let’s join hands and create a brilliant future together.關于我們 About us公司簡介 Company profile產品展示 Products-45℃低溫保存箱 low temperature freezer-60℃超低溫保存箱 ultra low temperature freezer-86°C 超低溫保存箱 ultra low temperature freezer-105℃ & -136℃ 深冷冰箱 cryogenic freezer-150℃液晶屏冷凍分離機 LCD freezing separator新聞動態 News行業資訊 Industry news企業新聞 Company news工作時間
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