GHD-U serles offer an effective and low-cost method for plsstic material drying,adopts hot air down-blowing and insulated design,to avoid contamination,It is also ideally suitable for use with dehumidifiers to dry englineering plastics.
本機特點 Features | | | | | | |
◆采用P.I.D溫度控制系統,溫控精確. | | | | |
◆下吹式風管設計,能均勻分散熱風,保持塑料干燥,溫度穩定,提供干燥效率. |
◆不銹鋼雙層保溫料桶并附視料窗. | | | | |
◆SHD-40U及以上機型均附可打開的視料門. | | | |
◆熱過載保護裝置,安全可靠. | | | | | |
◆外觀新穎,外表光亮. | | | | | |
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◆Adopts P.I.D.temperature control for accurate temperature control. | | |
◆Unique design of down blow air pipe can spread hot air evenly.keeping plastics dry and temperature stable to raise drying efficiency. |
◆All drying hoppers are completely insulated and provided with sight glasses. | |
◆Laiger hoppera are provided with a cleaning door to ensure optimum access. | |
◆Overheat protection to ensure reliable operation. | | | |
◆Beautiful appearance | | | | | |