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更新時間:2023-04-04 11:16:12瀏覽次數:151次

聯系我時,請告知來自 化工機械設備網




聯系人: 張聰


產品詳細介紹 Genvolt8000系列是一款堅固耐用的模塊化系列直流高電壓供應范圍,電源輸入電壓從85VAC-265VAC50/60Hz



Genvolt 8000系列是一款堅固耐用的模塊化系列直流高電壓供應范圍,  電源輸入電壓從85V AC- 265V AC   50/60Hz。輸出功率從1 kv - 70 kv選項。
Genvolt 8000系列具有主動升壓型功率因數校正前端——即有源整流器。在主電源頻率下提供非常低的諧波失真,功率因數高達0.99。
Genvolt  8000系列模塊化高壓電源具有的固定極性,(正極性 或負極性)。采購是需確定電源極性。
Genvolt  8000系列高壓電源模塊具有恒壓員工作模式和恒流源工作模式 兩種工作模式, 并且可以快速切換兩種工作模式。
Genvolt  8000系列模塊化高壓電源具有 輸出短路保護 或電弧保護,,溫度保護和過壓保護  ,能夠在苛刻的環境中使用。

The Genvolt 8000 series is a rugged modularised range of AC-input DC High Voltage supplies, designed to operate from a universal mains input from 85VAC to 256VAC 50/60Hz. Power Output options from 1kv to 70kV.

They feature an active boost-style Power Factor Correction front end – i.e. an active rectifier. This offers a very low harmonic distortion at mains frequencies with a power factor of up to 0.99.

The modules have a FIXED polarity output which should be specified at the time ordering using the “Model Finder” table.

They operate in both Voltage Control and Current Control modes with fast active crossover between the modes.

Protection against output short circuits or arcs, over temperature and output overvoltage allow for operation in demanding environments.

Input Specification

AC Input voltage range 85VAC to 256VAC, 47 – 63 Hz
Power Factor FL 0.99 NL 0.98
Output Polarity +ve or –ve (Please specify when ordering)
Voltage Load Regulation 0.01% of full voltage for a no load to a full load change
Voltage Line Regulation +/- 0.005% of full voltage over the specified input voltage range
Current Load Regulation 0.01% from 0V to full voltage
Current Line Regulation +/- 0.01% of full current over the specified input voltage range per 8 hours after
Voltage Ripple: 0.1% p-p of output voltage
Current Stability 0.02% per 8hrs after ½hr warm up
Temperature Coefficient 100 ppm per oC
Temperature Operating 0oC to 45o
Storage -20oC to +85oC
Interlock Open Interlock will shut down unit
Circuit Protection  Overvoltage, Overcurrent, Arcing and Over temperature
Relative Humidity  Non condensing

The control signal is NOT a safety interlock and must NOT be used for a protection system from high voltage generation for safety purposes.

Standard Features, as fitted at the factory

Control Logic level for high voltage enable/disable.
Overvoltage Protection Overvoltage conditions can be caused by excessive input program signal. If an overvoltage condition is detected, the power supply is latched off until input power is reset.
PS Fault Condition A PS fault indicator and a PS fault output on J1, indicate an OVP or a regulation error.
PF and Universal Input The input voltage of the 8000 can operate within the range from 85VAC to 265VAC. The power factor is actively corrected across the entire range and is better than 0.99 at full load.
Internal EMI Filter An internal EMI filter and fuse provide protection against line voltage surges and power supply faults

Remote Operating Features

Remote Programming Allows remote adjustment of the output voltage and current, via an external voltage source.   
Remote Monitor Allows remote monitoring of the output voltage and current.
High Voltage Enable/Disable Allows remote ON/OFF control of the high voltage.
+10VDC Reference A +10VDC is provided for remote programming via a potentiometer or voltage divider.

Mechanical Details

Weight Model specific, approximately 3Kgs 
Dimensions 95.25mm (H) x 127mm (W) x 279.4mm (D)
Power Input Connector IEC320 with mating connector x 2 Metres
HV Output Connector Proprietary HV Connector
Control Interface Connector 15 pin ‘D’ connector (Male)

Regulatory Approvals

  • Compliant to 2004/108/EC, the EMC directive
  • 2006/95/EC, the low voltage directive
  • RoHS compliant and CE approved
Maximum Voltage Maximum Current Polarity Model Number
1kV 120mA P or N 80120P (+ve) or 80120N (-ve)
5kV 24mA P or N 8024P (+ve) or 8024N (-ve)
10kV 12mA P or N 8012P (+ve) or 8012N (-ve)
20kV 6mA P or N 806P (+ve) or 806N (-ve)
30kV 4mA P or N 804P (+ve) or 804N (-ve)
40kV 3mA P or N 803P (+ve) or 803N (-ve)
50kV 2.4mA P or N 8050P (+ve) or 8050N (-ve)
60kV 2mA P or N 8060P (+ve or 8060N (-ve)
70kV 1.7ma P or N 8070P (+ve) or 8070N (-ve)

Typical applications include:

  • Electrospinning & Electrospraying
  • X-ray Generation
  • Insulation Testing
  • Capacitor Charging (contact Genvolt for individual applications)
  • Laboratory Use



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