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Aaronia Drone Detector安諾尼無人機偵測系統
Protect your privacy and make sure of your physical security保護 隱私和確保人身安全
After 4 years of development Aaronia introduces its new Drone Detection System. The Aaronia Drone Detector is used to detect the incursion of unwanted drones, based on the directional real-time measurement of the electromagnetic emissions of drones. It warns the operator when drones are in the area and send alerts.
The system has no limitation in detection range, usually the detection range is the same as the usable distance from the operator to the drone (or better) so it always depends on the transmitter power of the drone/operator. Depending on the drone type it could be several km / miles without problems.
經過4年的研發安諾尼推出其新的無人機偵測系統。通過實時測量無人機電磁 發射的信號方向,從而偵測入侵的未知無人機,當無人機進入該區域時發出警報并警告操作 人員。無人機偵測系統不限制偵測范圍,通常其偵測 范圍等同于無人機與其操控者之間的可用距離,一般取決于無人機/操控器的發射功率。
頻率范圍9 kHz到20GHz
The drone detector is based on the Aaronia IsoLOG 3D antenna, a real-time Spectrum Analyzer (XFR V5 PRO or RF Command Center) and a special software plugin for the RTSA Suite software. All parts combined allow a 24/7 monitoring and recording with a gapless data-streaming (up to 4TB/day). The system saves considerable measurement time and is compact and flexible. It can be set up at any place you need to control.
無人機偵測系統由Aaronia IsoLOG 3D測向天線、實時頻譜儀(XFR V5 PRO 或RF Command Center)和結合RTSA Suit實時頻譜軟件的偵測專用軟件。
所有部件組合允許7x24小時的監測并記錄無縫數據流(高達4TB /天)。該系 統緊湊靈活,節省大量測量時間,并且可以安裝在任何您需要控制的區域。
Aaronia Drone Detector can be used anywhere無人機偵測系統幾乎可以 使用在任何地方
The drone detection system can be used virtually anywhere. Typical use scenarios are the protection of residential areas, governmental buildings and commercial / industrial areas like nuclear plants. Available as single-side or multiple-side solution the system is adjustable to the characteristics of the terrain to be monitored.
典型的使用場景是保護居民區,政府大樓,商業/工業等領域,如核電站。可 使用單點或多點解決方案系統來適應要監視的地形特點。
Drones can be more than just an annoyance無人機不僅僅是一個煩惱
The rapid proliferation of micro/mini UAVs is a growing potential threat to national and commercial security. Easy to make, cheap to buy, simple to fly, and hard to detect, commercial and noncommercial available drones are one of the most quickly evolving technological threats to military and civilian interests.
A commercial drone reportedly alarmed the Secret Service in March 2015 when the aircraft flew too close to President Barack Obama during a round of golf in Florida. And a man was detained in May 2015 for trying to fly a drone near the White House. Perhaps most famously, there was the drone which a drunken US government employee plowed into the White House lawn. In Japan, a man landed a small drone on the rooftop of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's office.
對于國家和商業安全來說,微型/迷你型無人機構成了潛在的威脅。容易制作 、價格便宜、簡單飛行,并且難以發現的商業和非商業使用的無人機,這類非常快速發展的 技術,威脅到了和居民的利益。
據報道,2015年3月,在佛羅里達一個高爾夫球場周圍,一個商業無人機飛行 時非常地靠近美國總統***。2015年5月,一個男子由于試圖在白宮附近使用無人機飛行被 。更引人注目的是,一名醉酒美國政府員工將無人機飛進白宮的草坪上;在日本,有人 將一個小型的無人機降落在日本首相辦公室的屋頂。
The Aaronia Drone Detector is developed, individually manufactured and calibrated in Germany. This guarantees highest standards.
Single Side Solution單點解決方案
The single side solution is ready to use within a few minutes only. Based on a stationary or Spectrum Analyzer (see page 6) and the 3D direction finding antenna IsoLOG 3D, this solution is the first choice for surveillance of small areas, e.g. a house.
單點解決方案,只需幾分鐘準備就可以使用。基于一個移動或固定的實時頻 譜儀和IsoLOG 3D測向天線,該解決方案是小面積監控的方案,例如一棟房子等。
Multiple Sides Solution多點解決方案
The multi solution consists of several antennas and analyzers, coupled together to one centralized monitoring PC which manages all systems simultaneously. The advantage of the multi solution is the possibility to triangulate the readings. This leads to a very high tracking accuracy.
Further the multi solution can combine an unlimited number of receivers, thus it′s suitable to protect very large areas e.g. industry plants, stadiums, government buildings etc.
多點解決方案由多個天線和實時頻譜儀組成,然后集中在一臺監控計算機上 同時管理所有系統。 多點解決方案的優點是可實現三角測量定位,這樣可以實現非常高的跟 蹤精度。并且多點解決方案可由不限數量的接收機組成,因此適合保護非常大的區域,如工 業廠房、體育場館、政府大樓等。
RF & Drone Detector Plugin for Aaronia RTSA Suite
射頻&無人機偵測插件(配合RTSA Suit軟件)
The drone detection software offers an intuitive layout combined with powerful tracking, trigger and display options helping to identify, capture and track any RF emissions from drones/UAV′s or other RF sources up to 20GHz. Each sector/antenna gets its own real-time view, which allows to identify the exact direction the drone is coming from. Customizable alarms or pop-ups guarantees an early warning for the operator/user.
無人機偵測軟件提供直觀界面設計,結合強大的跟蹤、觸發、顯示功能選件 來幫助識別,捕獲和跟蹤從無人機或其它射頻信號源高達20GHZ的射頻輻射。每個扇區/天線 都有自己的實時視圖,用于識別無人機的準確方向。可定制的警報或彈出窗口,保證*時 間給操作員或用戶提供警報。
如有疑問,請聯 系安諾尼中國。
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