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PCG55x 大氣壓至中真空真空計

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更新時間:2023-01-12 16:07:34瀏覽次數:142次

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  • 在 10 mbar 以上壓力下不受氣體類型限制 – 能夠安全排放任何氣體混合物
  • 在大氣壓力下具有高度的準確性和再現性,能夠進行可靠、快速的大氣壓力檢測
  • 靈活的安裝方向提供自由的加工設計
  • 可配備鎢絲 (PCG550)、鎳絲 (PCG552) 或全陶瓷涂層 (PCG554) 傳感器裝置用于高腐蝕性應用
  • Latest EtherCAT protocol Standard ETG.5003.2080 S (R) V1.3.0
  • 易于更換的即插即用式傳感元件與板載校準數據 - 保證了高度再現性和低擁有成本
  • 可選的輸出信號,易于集成
  • 可選大氣開關、顯示屏和數字接口
  • 合規和標準:CE、EN、UL、CSA、RoHS


  • 預抽真空室
  • 前級真空壓力測量
  • 真空系統中的安全電路
  • 中度真空和低真空范圍內的一般真空測量和控制


新! 現在提供 EtherCAT 數字接口!


類型 PCG550 Tungsten PCG552 Nickel PCG554 ceramic coated
測量范圍 5×10-5 … 1500 5×10-5 … 1500 5×10-5 … 1500
5×10-4 … 1×10-3 毫巴 (N2) % of reading ±50 ±50 ±50
1×10-3 … 100 毫巴 (N2) % of reading ±15 ±15 ±15
100 … 950 毫巴 % of reading ±5 ±5 ±5
950 … 1050 毫巴 % of reading ±2.5 ±2.5 ±2.5
1×10-3 … 1100 毫巴 (N2) % of reading ±2 ±2 ±2
容許壓力 bar (absolute) ≤5 ≤5 ≤5
壓力, bar (absolute) 10 10 10
運行(環境) °C +10 … +50 +10 … +50 +10 … +50
貯存 °C -20 … +65 -20 … +65 -20 … +65
在法蘭處烘烤 °C ≤80 ≤80 ≤80
在長管法蘭處烘烤 °C ≤250 ≤250 ≤250
電源電壓 V (dc) +15 … +30 +15 … +30 +15 … +30
無現場總線 W ≤2.5 ≤2.5 ≤2.5
DeviceNet™ W ≤3 ≤3 ≤3
Profibus W ≤3 ≤3 ≤3
EtherCAT W ≤4.5 ≤4.5 ≤4.5
輸出信號模擬 3PCx-0xx-xxx0 V 0 … +10.23 0 … +10.23 0 … +10.23
輸出信號模擬 3PCx-0xx-xxx1 V 0 … +8.68 0 … +8.68 0 … +8.68
輸出信號模擬 3PCx-0xx-xxx2 V 0 … +5.659 0 … +5.659 0 … +5.659
輸出信號模擬 3PCx-0xx-xxx3 V 0 … +9.05 0 … +9.05 0 … +9.05
測量范圍 3PCx-0xx-xxx0 V +0.61 … +10.23 +0.61 … +10.23 +0.61 … +10.23
測量范圍 3PCx-0xx-xxx1 V +1.2 … +8.68 +1.2 … +8.68 +1.2 … +8.68
測量范圍 3PCx-0xx-xxx2 V +0.375 … +5.659 +0.375 … +5.659 +0.375 … +5.659
測量范圍 3PCx-0xx-xxx3 V +1.57 … +9.05 +1.57 … +9.05 +1.57 … +9.05
3PCx-0xx-xxx0 volts per decade 1.286 1.286 1.286
3PCx-0xx-xxx1 / -xxx2 / -xxx3 volts per decade 1 1 1
負載電阻 k? >10 >10 >10
設定點數量 2 2 2
范圍 (N2) mbar 5×10-5 … 1000 5×10-5 … 1000 5×10-5 … 1000
繼電器觸點 n.o., potential free n.o., potential free n.o., potential free
滯后 % of threshold 10 10 10
觸點額定固態繼電器 ≤30 ≤30 ≤30
觸點額定機械繼電器 ≤30 ≤30 ≤30
轉換時間 ms ≤30 ≤30 ≤30
接口(數字) RS232C RS232C RS232C
3PCx-0xx-x0xx FCC, 8-pin FCC, 8-pin FCC, 8-pin
3PCx-0xx-x1xx D-Sub, 9-pin, male D-Sub, 9-pin, male D-Sub, 9-pin, male
3PCx-0xx-x2xx D-Sub, 15-pin HD, male D-Sub, 15-pin HD, male D-Sub, 15-pin HD, male
3PCx-0xx-x4xx D-Sub, 15-pin HD, with RS485, male D-Sub, 15-pin HD, with RS485, male D-Sub, 15-pin HD, with RS485, male
電纜長度 m (ft.) ≤100 (≤330) ≤100 (≤330) ≤100 (≤330)
RS232C 運行 m (ft.) ≤30 (≤100) ≤30 (≤100) ≤30 (≤100)
暴露于真空的材料 W, Ni, NiFe, Al2O3, SnAg, stainless steel, glass Ni, NiFe, Al2O3, SnAg, stainless steel, glass Al2O3, stainless steel
DN 16 ISO-KF cm³ 4.7 4.7 4.7
DN 16 ISO-KF 長管 cm³ 14.5 14.5 14.5
DN 16 CF-F cm³ 8 8 8
DN 16 CF-R 長管 cm³ 14 14 14
DN 25 ISO-KF,4 VCR cm³ 5.5 5.5 5.5
8 VCR cm³ 7 7 7
1/8'' NPT,7/16-20 UNF cm³ 5.2 5.2 5.2
表面貼裝 29 毫米/1.15 英寸 cm³ 4.9 4.9 4.9
4 VCR 90° cm³ 7.9 7.9 7.9
無現場總線接口 g 115 … 130 115 … 130 115 … 130
帶現場總線接口 g 230 … 250 230 … 250 230 … 250
保護等級 IP 40 IP 40 IP 40
CE 合規 EN 61000-6-2/-6-3, EN 61010 EN 61000-6-2/-6-3, EN 61010 EN 61000-6-2/-6-3, EN 61010
ETL 認證 UL 61010-1, CSA 22.2 No.61010-1 UL 61010-1, CSA 22.2 No.61010-1 UL 61010-1, CSA 22.2 No.61010-1
協議 DeviceNet™, group 2 slave only DeviceNet™, group 2 slave only DeviceNet™, group 2 slave only
數據率開關 kBaud 125, 250, 500 or network programmable 125, 250, 500 or network programmable 125, 250, 500 or network programmable
電纜長度 125 kbps m (ft.) 500 (1650) 500 (1650) 500 (1650)
電纜長度 250 kbps m (ft.) 250 (825) 250 (825) 250 (825)
電纜長度 500 kbps m (ft.) 100 (330) 100 (330) 100 (330)
MAC ID 2 switches (address 00 - 63) or network programmable 2 switches (address 00 - 63) or network programmable 2 switches (address 00 - 63) or network programmable
數字功能 read pressure, select units: Torr, mbar, Pa, micron, counts; monitor gauge status, detailed alarm and warning information, safe state allows definition of behavior in case of error read pressure, select units: Torr, mbar, Pa, micron, counts; monitor gauge status, detailed alarm and warning information, safe state allows definition of behavior in case of error read pressure, select units: Torr, mbar, Pa, micron, counts; monitor gauge status, detailed alarm and warning information, safe state allows definition of behavior in case of error
技術規格 DeviceNet™ "Vacuum Gauge Device Profile" DeviceNet™ "Vacuum Gauge Device Profile" DeviceNet™ "Vacuum Gauge Device Profile"
設備類型 ''CG'' for combination gauge ''CG'' for combination gauge ''CG'' for combination gauge
I / O 從屬傳訊 polling only polling only polling only
DeviceNet™ 的電源電壓 3PI6- / 3PI7- / 3PI8-0xx-xxxx V (dc) +15 … +30 +15 … +30 +15 … +30
功耗 3PI6- / 3PI7- / 3PI8-0xx-xxxx W ≤3 ≤3 ≤3
DeviceNet 連接器 Micro-Style, 5-pin, male Micro-Style, 5-pin, male Micro-Style, 5-pin, male
Profibus DP      
波特率 9.6 / 19.2 / 93.75 / 187.5 / 500 9.6 / 19.2 / 93.75 / 187.5 / 500 9.6 / 19.2 / 93.75 / 187.5 / 500
地址 2 switches (address 00 - 127) or network programmable 2 switches (address 00 - 127) or network programmable 2 switches (address 00 - 127) or network programmable
數字功能 read pressure, select units: Torr, mbar, Pa, micron, counts; monitor gauge status, detailed alarm and warning information, safe state allows definition of behavior in case of error read pressure, select units: Torr, mbar, Pa, micron, counts; monitor gauge status, detailed alarm and warning information, safe state allows definition of behavior in case of error read pressure, select units: Torr, mbar, Pa, micron, counts; monitor gauge status, detailed alarm and warning information, safe state allows definition of behavior in case of error
Profibus DP 連接器 D-Sub, 9-pin, female D-Sub, 9-pin, female D-Sub, 9-pin, female
波特率 kBaud 9.6 / 19.2 / 38.4 /57.6 9.6 / 19.2 / 38.4 /57.6 9.6 / 19.2 / 38.4 /57.6
地址 2 switches (address 00 - 255) 2 switches (address 00 - 255) 2 switches (address 00 - 255)
數字功能 read pressure, select units: Torr, mbar, Pa, micron, counts; monitor gauge status, detailed alarm and warning information, safe state allows definition of behavior in case of error read pressure, select units: Torr, mbar, Pa, micron, counts; monitor gauge status, detailed alarm and warning information, safe state allows definition of behavior in case of error read pressure, select units: Torr, mbar, Pa, micron, counts; monitor gauge status, detailed alarm and warning information, safe state allows definition of behavior in case of error
RS485 連接器 D-Sub, 15-pin HD, male D-Sub, 15-pin HD, male D-Sub, 15-pin HD, male
協議 EtherCAT protocol specialized for EtherCAT protocol specialized for EtherCAT protocol specialized for EtherCAT
通訊標準 ETG.5003.1 S (R) V1.1.0 Common Device ProfileETG.5003.2080 S (R) V1.3.0 Specific Device Profile: Vacuum Gauge ETG.5003.1 S (R) V1.1.0 Common Device ProfileETG.5003.2080 S (R) V1.3.0 Specific Device Profile: Vacuum Gauge ETG.5003.1 S (R) V1.1.0 Common Device ProfileETG.5003.2080 S (R) V1.3.0 Specific Device Profile: Vacuum Gauge
節點地址 Explicit Device Identification Explicit Device Identification Explicit Device Identification
物理層 100BASE-Tx (IEEE 802.3) 100BASE-Tx (IEEE 802.3) 100BASE-Tx (IEEE 802.3)
EtherCAT 連接器 2 x RJ45, 8-pin (socket), IN and OUT 2 x RJ45, 8-pin (socket), IN and OUT 2 x RJ45, 8-pin (socket), IN and OUT
電纜 shielded Ethernet CAT5e or higher shielded Ethernet CAT5e or higher shielded Ethernet CAT5e or higher
電纜長度 m (ft.) ≤100 (330) ≤100 (330) ≤100 (330)
過程數據 Fixed PDO mapping and configurable PDO mapping Fixed PDO mapping and configurable PDO mapping Fixed PDO mapping and configurable PDO mapping
郵箱 (CoE) SDO requests, responses and information SDO requests, responses and information SDO requests, responses and information
PCG55x_Ordering Information


PCG550 Tungsten
零件號 明細
211-001 卡箍 DN 10-16 ISO-KF
211-097 細目過濾中心環組件DN 16 ISO-KF
303-333 Diagnostic cable 1.9m (P3)
PCG552 Nickel
零件號 明細
211-001 卡箍 DN 10-16 ISO-KF
211-097 細目過濾中心環組件DN 16 ISO-KF
303-333 Diagnostic cable 1.9m (P3)
PCG554 ceramic coated
零件號 明細
211-001 卡箍 DN 10-16 ISO-KF
211-097 細目過濾中心環組件DN 16 ISO-KF
303-333 Diagnostic cable 1.9m (P3)


PCG550 Tungsten
零件號 明細
357-925 PCG550備用傳感器
357-926 PCG550備用傳感器
357-927 PCG550備用傳感器
357-928 PCG550備用傳感器
357-929 PCG550備用傳感器
357-930 PCG550備用傳感器
357-931 PCG550備用傳感器
357-932 PCG550備用傳感器
357-933 PCG550備用傳感器
357-934 PCG550備用傳感器
357-935 PCG550備用傳感器
PCG552 Nickel
零件號 明細
357-936 PCG552備用傳感器
357-937 PCG552備用傳感器
357-938 PCG552備用傳感器
357-939 PCG552備用傳感器
357-941 PCG552備用傳感器
357-942 PCG552備用傳感器
357-943 PCG552備用傳感器
357-944 PCG552備用傳感器
357-945 PCG552備用傳感器
357-946 PCG552備用傳感器
PCG554 ceramic coated
零件號 明細
357-947 PCG554備用傳感器
357-948 PCG554備用傳感器
357-949 PCG554備用傳感器
357-950 PCG554備用傳感器
357-951 PCG554備用傳感器
357-952 PCG554備用傳感器
357-953 PCG554備用傳感器
357-954 PCG554備用傳感器
357-955 PCG554備用傳感器
357-956 PCG554備用傳感器
357-957 PCG554備用傳感器







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