粉碎設備 混合設備 分離設備 濃縮結晶設備 傳質設備 干燥設備 反應設備 換熱設備 制冷設備 空分設備 儲存設備 鍋爐|加熱設備 包裝機械 輸送設備 化工實驗室設備
新型低壓抽出式開關柜適用于三相交流頻率為50Hz,額定工作電壓為400V ( 690V),額定電流為4000A及以下的發、供電系統中,作為動力、配電和電動機集中控制、電容補償之用。廣泛應用于發電廠、石油、化工、冶金、紡織、高層建筑等場所,本產品符合IEC60439-1、GB7251.1、 JB/T9661 等標準。可實現或替代MNS、GCS、GCK柜型的所有方案,用戶可根據需要選配組合,是目前行業中從生產到應用都有重大創新的低壓抽出式新型柜體。
Low voltage switch cabinet
概述 General
新型低壓抽出式開關柜適用于三相交流頻率為50Hz,額定工作電壓為400V ( 690V),額定電流為4000A及以下的發、供電系統中,作為動力、配電和電動機集中控制、電容補償之用。廣泛應用于發電廠、石油、化工、冶金、紡織、高層建筑等場所,本產品符合IEC60439-1、GB7251.1、 JB/T9661 等標準。可實現或替代MNS、GCS、GCK柜型的所有方案,用戶可根據需要選配組合,是目前行業中從生產到應用都有重大創新的低壓抽出式新型柜體。
New-type low-voltage withdrawable switchgear is applicable for the power generation and supply system with three-phase AC frequency of 50Hz,rated working voltage of 400V (690V) and rated current of 4000A (or below) for power, distribution, motor control and capacitance compensation. It is widely used in power station, petroleum, chemical engineering, metallurgy, textile, and high-rise buildings, and meets the IEC60439-1, GB7251.1 and JB/T966 1 standards. The switchgear can realize or replace all schemes of MNS, GCS and GCK switchgears, being new low-voltage withdrawable switchgear in the industry with significant production and application innovation, which can be selected and combined as per the customer demands.
結構說明 Structure Description
2、新型小型手拉式推進機構應用于1/2、1/4 抽屜單元,具有三位置鎖定、顯示、合閘聯鎖位置輔助電源功能,開關再扣復位功能;
1. New-type hand -operated push mechanism (manual and electrical operation) in the way of multi-circle effort- saving push can be used in unitdrawer to realize the relaxed, flexible and smooth push and remove of drawer. Three-position switch is equipped with the function of mechanical positioning and display, as well as position voice prompt. The three-and four-pole drawer pushing 630A is relaxed and flexible; closing interlocking has the function of re-trip resetting with advanced pushing and interlocking technology.
2. New-type tiny manual pushing mechanism applies 1/2 and 1/4 drawer unit with the functions of three-position locking, display, closing interlocking position assistance, and switch re-trip resetting.
3. New-type pushing interlocking mechanism can display separation, test and connection position, and synchronize electrical terminal and position.
4. Vertical channel: It can select half function board and iron rectangular channel to facilitate exchange.
主要特點 Main Features
6、抽屜分為1/4 單元抽屜、1/2 單元抽屜和全寬度抽屜(抽屜高度: 6E 8E 12E 16E 24E,E=25mm),所有零部件采用模具一次成型,真正實現同規格抽屜99%互換。
7、儀表板采用開啟式空心結構,方便元器件安裝、接線及檢測,元器件安裝空間增大,成套高低壓開關柜能滿足96mm x 96mm外形的數顯表安裝,還可以安裝其它燈鈕等元件,空心處用鋼板制作,方便制造開孔;
1. Frame is in combined structure with the main frame made of C-steel;
2. Each switchgear is divided into three compartments, namely horizontal bus compartment, drawer compartment and cable compartment. Compartments are divided by steel plate or high-stress flame-resistance plastic board, and the upper and lower drawers are divided by metal plates with vent holes to effectively prevent arcing caused by fault of switch element or the accident caused by short circuit of bus and other lines;
3. Compact design: Contain many function units with small space;
4. The structural components have the characteristics of strong commonality and high flexibility for assembly; taking E=25mm as module, the structural and withdrawable units can be combined randomly to meet system design requirements;
5. The drawer adopts the process of double-fold locating slot riveting by rivet which avoids the rag caused by plat or hand damage caused by selftapping screw.
6. Drawers are divided into 1/4, 1/2 and overall-width drawer (height: 6E, 8E, 12E, 16E, 24E, E=25mm). All the components are produced by mould at a time to realize the 99% exchange of drawers in the same specification.
7. Instrument panel is in the open hollow structure to facilitate element installation, wiring and detection. The installation space of element is enlargedto enable the installation of data display instrument (96mm x 96mm), and can also install other elements such as lamp knob. Hollow places are provided with steel plate to facilitate hole opening.
8. Switchgear protection grade is IP4X;
化工機械設備網 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?