擠出專用溫控單元 Special Temper at ure Control Unit for Extrusion 吹氣回水功能 Air blowing and return water return function 回水溫度顯示表 Thermometer for return water 開機自動排氣功能 Automatic air-exhausting function after startup 加熱功率切換功能 Switchover of heating power RS485通訊功能,實現自動化管理(選購) RS485 communication function for automated management (optional) 即時冷卻關機功能(選購) Instant cooling return oil shut-down function 隔離式電器控制箱,延長電器使用年限 Isolated electric box for longer services lives of electric appliances 熱水BY-PASS泄壓回路 BY-PASS pressure release loop for hot water 水泵馬力和加熱功率可訂作 Customizable horsepower and heating power of water pump 電器采用OMRON. FUJI. TE. LG. Brands OMRON, FUJI, TE and LG for electric appliances 溫度控制范圍: 進水溫+15℃→120℃ Range of temperature control: +15℃→120℃ for incoming water 304不銹鋼一體管路,減少管阻及銹垢 304 stainless steel integrated pipelines for less pipe resistance and rust 控制方式: 采用進口微電腦或(選購)PLC控制 Control mode: imported microcomputer or PLC (optional) 安全保護完善,故障顯示, 維修.保養無需專業人員 Perfect safety protection, fault display, easy repair and maintenance even free of professionals |