2GRN140-196鐵人泵業-雙螺桿泵 泵業立式————螺桿泵就找杜工,專注螺桿泵15年,省心高效.—,
SN Series three-spindle screw pump Triple-screw pump
For handling lubricating fluids. The fluids to be pumped must notcontain any abrasive substances nor chemically attack the pumpmaterials.
Main fields of application
Fuel oil firing/energy engneering:
For handling light and heavy fuel oils as well as residual andwaste oils, e.g. as fuel oil, transfer, fuelling, ring-conduit andburner-operation pumps.
For booster and/or pumping hydraulic oils on mineral-oil basis orhydraulic lubricating liquids; e.g. as hydraulic presses, forginghammers, bale presses, chip-board presses, winches, hoists,variable-pitch propeller and rudder adjusting units, hatchhydraulics, rolling mill and machine tool hydraulics,
General industrial engineering/machine/heavy machine industry:
For handling lubricating, cooling, coolant, sealing, regulating andhydraulic oils, light and heavy fuel oils, diesel oils. fuels andthermal oils(cold);e.g. for steem, gas and water turbines aslubricating, sealing, regulating oil and jacking oil pumps, forcompressors as lubricating, sealing and coolant oil pumps, for geardrives as lube-oil pumps, for diesel engines as lubricating andcooling oil as well as fuel pumps, for rolling mills as lube-oiland hydraulic pumps etc.
Marine/Offshore engineering:
For handling lubricating, cooling and hydraulic oils, light andheavy fuel oils, crude oils as well as fuels.
Machine-tool industry:
For handling cutting, grinding, deep-hole drilling oils andoil-in-water emulsions as well as hydraulic oils.
Tank farms:
For handling all lubricating fluids such as greases, oils, paints,fuels, polyols, isocyanates; e.g. as loading or unloading pumps.
Printing industry:
For handling gravure inks.
Chemical and petro-chemical as well as processing industry:
For handling all lubricating fluids such as oils(including crudeoils), greases, paint, lacquers, ointments ,pastes, polyols,isocyanates, tar, bitumen, glycerin, glues, adhesive substances,resins, paraffins, waxes, water glass and also as pipeline pumps.
Paint/lacquer industry:
For handling paints, lacquers, resins, oil varnish and linseedoils.
Washing/cleansing agent industry:
For handling oils, greases, soaps and additives.
Paper/puld industry:
For handling viscose and pulp.
Food industry:
For handling molasses, glucose, sirup and vegetable oils.
Self-priming three-screw pump.
The hardened and ground spindles run in a replaceable castinginsert.
The axial thrust acting on the flanks of the screw threads iscompensated by balance pistons which-with all three spindles arearranged in the delivery chamber.
The idler spindles are turned hydraulically. The thread flanksmerely transmit the torque resulting from the liquid friction andare consequently practically free of stress and not subject to anywear.
A groove ball bearing lubricated by the fluid to be pumped(withinternal bearing design) respectively ab external, greaselubricated groove ball bearing serves for fixing the drivingspindle.
A stuffing box or two shaft sealing rings or a maintenance-freeunbalanced mechanical seal as required is used as shaft sealing. Bymeans of a return pipe, the sealing chamber is connected with thesuction chamber. Therefore, irrespectively of the deliverypressure, only the suction/inlet pressure always becomes effectiveat the shaft sealing.
Owing to a special profiling of the flanks of the screw threads,the three spindles form sealed chambers, the contents of which areaxially and compley continuously shifted from the suction to thedelivery side of the pump. There is no turbulence despite therotational movement, and squeezing stresses are avoided by theconstant volume in the chambers.
The structural design and mode of operation of the screw pumpensure a very low noise level and a nearly pulsation-free delivery.
Three screw pump is the common equipment in the field of industrialmachinery, often used inconveying lubricating medium liquid. Thedevice has a lot of advantages, take the SN three screw pump hasmany unique properties, it is these properties to ensure theequipmentwidely used in space.
Screw Number:Multi Screw Pump
Application:Food, Chemical, Oil
Screw Suction Method:Single Suction
Pump Shaft Position:Horizontal
Mounting:Horizontal or Vertical
Export Markets:Global
Additional Info.
Packing:Export Standard Wooden Case
Standard:ISO, CE
Product Description
For handing of oil and medium with lubricating properties.
Viscosity from 1cst to 760 cst, temperature below 150 deg C,
Capacity from 0.3m3/h to 321m3/h,
Head from 0.4Mpa to 4MPa.
1. In heating techniqzzues as fuel oil and medium with lubricatingpvoperties.
2. In the engineering industry as hydraulic and emotor pumps.
3. In the chemical and food industry as cargo transfer or supplypumps.
4. In the marine field as transfer, booster, fuel oil pumps as wellfor ship hydraulics.
2GRN140-196鐵人泵業-雙螺桿泵 泵業立式————螺桿泵就找杜工,專注螺桿泵15年,省心高效.—,