主營產品: 塑料粉碎機,樹枝粉碎機,模具除垢劑,防銹劑 |
主營產品: 塑料粉碎機,樹枝粉碎機,模具除垢劑,防銹劑 |
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更新時間:2015-10-20 14:11:22瀏覽次數:285
干燥機熱風回收 ML-JCR25~50熱風回收集塵器 熱風回收器
干燥機ML-JCR25-50工業集塵器圖片價格,產品屬性不作交易依據,具體以實物為準, ML-JCR熱風回收集塵器 工作原理: ML-JCR系列熱風回收集塵器配合熱風式干燥機使用,可以把干燥劑料斗內的熱風形成半封閉的循環回流狀態。由干燥機排風口排出的熱風中帶有粉塵和濕氣,這種熱風經過熱風回收集塵器過濾后,干凈且干燥的熱風再由管道進入熱風干燥機機內反復利用,節能環保。 The ML-JCR HOT-Air Recycler works with Hopper Dryer to form a semi-close-loop air circulation system. After the dusty hot-air blowing out from the exhaust port of hopper dryer and passing through the filter cartridge inside a dust cyclone collector, all dust is removed and a clean hot-air will then return back to the air-intake port of the blower via a heat-resistant hose. And the entire process repeats roundly. ML-JCR25~50熱風回收集塵器 熱風回收器 用途與特點:
Keeping the air flowing clean in the working area to ensure product’s quality. The reuse of hot air could lower the temperature of working areas. Reducing power consumption of hopper dryer by approximate 50%. Space-saving design, can be easily linked with any given hopper dryer. ML-JCR25~50熱風回收集塵器 熱風回收器 型號及規格: |
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