蒸汽系列 電力型JNX6000-I
Steam series electric model
Car surface, engine, wheel, car air condition, sofa, ceiling, decorations, and toys clean.
8公斤壓力8bar steam pressure價格實惠Price material benefit
能滿足車身、車內的清洗Clean for car exterior and interior
帶添加劑系統With additive system清洗打蠟一次完成Clean and wax at the same time
產品名稱 name | 單槍蒸汽清洗機 single gun steam cleaner | 產品型號 Model No. | JNX6000 |
選擇電壓(V) voltage | 380或220 | 蒸汽溫度(℃) steam temperature | 170 |
功率(KW) power | 6 | 體積(MM) size | 650×430×720 |
耗水量(L/H) water consumption | 18 | 重量(KG) weight | 41 |
蒸汽壓力(BAR) steam pressure | 8 | 蒸汽管(M) steam hose | 10 |
水箱容量(L) water tank | 35 | 電纜線(M) electric wire | 5 |
產汽時間(秒) preheating time | 60 | 蒸*(把) steam gun | 1 |
車身清潔劑(L) detergent for car surface | 2.5 | 蠟水(L) liquid wax | 2.5 |
引擎清潔劑(L) detergent for engine | 2.5 | 毛巾(條) towel | 2 |
手柄刷(把) brush | 2 | 大噴壺(把) sprinkling can | 1 |