粉碎設備 混合設備 分離設備 濃縮結晶設備 傳質設備 干燥設備 反應設備 換熱設備 制冷設備 空分設備 儲存設備 鍋爐|加熱設備 包裝機械 輸送設備 化工實驗室設備
Powerful, Compact and powerful
The proxSafe Terminal is an easy-to-use and intelligent user
interface for all proxSafe systems. It is provided together with an administrator ID-Card to setup the System.
Users can be identified via smart card and/or by PIN entry.
After log-in the user selects the desired key either from a list of keys or simply by its slot number. The system will automatically guide the user to the corresponding key slot. The period for key access, the duration for holding the key as well as the maximum number of keys can be limited individually for every user. The proxSafe Terminal allows quick returning of the keys. The user only has to present the key in front of the optionally available keyTag reader in the Terminal. The Terminal will identify the key and guide the user to the right slot.
Users can obtain quick information directly at the terminal about the actual holder of a key and the list of keyTags in or out of the cabinets. Inside the proxSafe Terminal there is space for installing an optionally available Multi-Technology card reader from deister electronic. Other readers using a Wiegand/Magstripe interface can also be integrated readily. Nearly all features of the proxSafe system can be executed by the Terminal without need for PC connection.
If operated within a network the database of the Terminal will be permanently synchronized with the central proxSafe data base. This allows control of the complete system from a remote workplace. In case of a network failure the proxSafe system stays fully operational.
Even in case of a power failure the power management of the Terminal ensures that the proxSafe system keeps working as long as possible.
Your benefits at a glance:
Easy operation
Multi-Technology reader for user identification
Quick key return via 125 kHz reader
Intelligent power management
Illuminated keypad and display
化工機械設備網 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?