SMH 系列隧道式熱風烘箱
SMH 系列隧道式熱風烘箱概述 Description
SMH Series Tunnel oven with a loading capacity,easy to operate features.Mainly used in dehydrated vegetables,dried fruits and other agricultural products;and require a longer drying time of wood pieces of material,ceramics and a variety of dry bulk granular materials and calcined.
SMH 系列隧道式熱風烘箱特點 Featrures
◎ 用戶可根據物料特點選擇縱向循環或橫向循環的干燥方式,來提高效率及產品質量。
◎ 可采用集中烘熱的方式,這樣更利于燃煤燃油燃汽熱風爐、導熱油爐等熱源連接,方便用戶生產使用。
◎ 根據用戶需要,可采用人工或機械方式進料和出料。
◎ Material characteristics of the user can choose vertical or horizontal loop drying cycle ways to improve efficiency and product quality.
◎ Central heating can be used the way, which is more conducive to coal-fired fuel burning gas stove,oil furnace and other heat connections,user-friendly production and use.
◎ According to user needs,can be manual or mechanical means feed and discharge.
SMH 系列隧道式熱風烘箱結構示意圖 Schematic of structure

SMH 系列隧道式熱風烘箱技術參數 Technical parameters
型號 mode | 每次裝料量(kg) fedlncl capacity | 配用功率(kw) equipped power | 烘車數量(輛) quatity of drying trolly | 配用烘盤數(個) quatity of drying tray | 散熱面積(㎡) area of radiation |
SMH-11 | 1000 | 20.2 | 22 | 528 | 200 |
SMH-16 | 1500 | 26.2 | 30 | 720 | 300 |
SMH-22 | 2000 | 32.2 | 40 | 960 | 400 |
SMH-30 | 2500 | 38.2 | 50 | 1200 | 500 |
SMH-36 | 3000 | 38.2 | 60 | 1440 | 600 |
SMH 系列隧道式熱風烘箱是常州利君干燥的一款產品,利君干燥還提供一些其他的產品,主要就包括:振動流化床干燥機,錐形螺帶混合干燥機,錐形螺帶真空干燥機,錐形螺帶真空混合干燥機,氣流干燥機,,沸騰制粒干燥機,盤式連續干燥機,真空耙式干燥機,高速離心噴霧干燥機等,歡迎有需要的聯系我們。