HH系列數顯恒溫水浴鍋 (HH Numerical Show Constant Temperature Water-Bathing Boiler) 介紹:
數顯恒溫水浴鍋系水槽式,選用進口優質不銹鋼板制作成型,外殼為優質薄板并噴塑,具有耐高溫、耐腐蝕的優點,控溫采用智能集成線路、LED顯示,讀數直觀準確,廣泛適用于蒸餾、干燥、濃縮及浸漬化學藥品或生物制品。 HH Numerical Show Constant Temperature Water-Bathing Boiler is sink-shaped,made of high-quality stainless sted beard from abroad. The outside earth is made by high-quality thin board and white-washed. It has the advanta
型 號 TypeNo. | 控溫范圍(℃) Temperature Contrd Range(℃) | 功率(W) Power(W) | 工作尺寸 (cm) Working Size (cm) | 外形尺寸 (cm) Outside Size (cm) |
HH-1 | 室溫~100 | 300 | 16×16×13 | 34×25×19 |
HH-2 | 室溫~100 | 600 | 30×16×13 | 49×25×19 |
HH-3 | 室溫~100 | 300×3 | (16×16×13)×3 | 68×30×31 |
HH-4 | 室溫~100 | 800 | 30×30×13 | 49×39×19 |
HH-6 | 室溫~100 | 1500 | 47×30×13 | 69×39×19 |
HH-8 | 室溫~100 | 2000 | 61×30×13 | 80×39×19 |
HH-4(單) | 室溫~100 | 1000 | 61×16×13 | 79×25×19 |
HH-6(單) | 室溫~100 | 1500 | 91×16×13 | 107×25×19 |