With the rapid development of the global economy and the acceleration of urbanization, rail transportation has increasingly emerged as a pivotal component of urban transportation systems. Indonesia, being one of the largest economies in Southeast Asia, has made remarkable progress in the field of rail transportation in recent years and demonstrated immense market potential.According to the plans of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, substantial investments will be allocated to railway projects, including light rail, the Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), high-speed rail, and others, over the coming years, aiming to construct a modern rail transportation network. China has shown increasing interest and support for Indonesia's rail transportation market. Through international cooperation platforms such as the Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese government actively promotes collaboration with Indonesia in the rail transportation sector, jointly driving the development of Indonesia's rail industry.
This summit aims to bring together elite professionals from the global rail transportation industry to discuss the latest trends, technological innovations, and market opportunities in the field. It will invite rail transportation experts, scholars, business representatives, and government officials from Indonesia and around the world to share experiences, exchange ideas, and propel the sustainable development of Indonesia's rail transportation industry.
【會議框架/Summit's Framework】
5月15日/May 15
Session 1: Opportunities and Strategic Planning in the ASEAN Rail Market
Session 2: Digital innovation and application of rail transit technology
Award Ceremony: 2025 Indonesia Rail Transit Recommended Brand
5月16日/May 16
Session 3: Operation and maintenance of rail transit facilities and equipment
Session 4: Green and Energy-Efficient Rail: Sustainable Development and Low-Carbon Practices
【支持單位/Supporting Unit】
中印尼高速鐵路有限公司 (PT KCIC)
中印尼高速鐵路有限公司(PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia-China,簡稱PT KCIC)是由印尼和中國企業共同組建的合資公司,負責建設和運營印尼首條高速鐵路——雅萬高鐵(Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway)。該項目不僅是印尼交通基礎設施的重要里程碑,也是中印尼兩國在“一帶一路”倡議下深化合作的標志性工程。
PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia-China (PT KCIC) is a joint venture established by Indonesian and Chinese companies, responsible for the construction and operation of Indonesia's first high-speed railway, the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway. This project not only marks a significant milestone in Indonesia's transportation infrastructure but also stands as a flagship initiative under the Belt and Road Initiative, symbolizing the deepening cooperation between Indonesia and China.
The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway connects Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, with Bandung, the country's fourth-largest city, spanning approximately 142 kilometers with a design speed of 350 km/h. The project is expected to officially commence operations in 2023, significantly reducing travel time between the two cities from the current 3 hours to just 40 minutes, thereby enhancing regional transportation efficiency and economic development.
展望未來,PT KCIC 計劃在2025年及以后進一步擴展其高鐵網絡,探索將雅萬高鐵延伸至印尼其他主要城市的可能性,如泗水(Surabaya)和日惹(Yogyakarta)。這些擴展項目將進一步加強印尼的鐵路網絡,推動區域經濟一體化,并為當地居民提供更加便捷、高效的出行選擇。
Looking ahead, PT KCIC plans to further expand its high-speed rail network by 2025 and beyond, exploring the possibility of extending the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway to other major cities in Indonesia, such as Surabaya and Yogyakarta. These expansion projects will significantly strengthen Indonesia's railway network, promote regional economic integration, and provide local residents with more convenient and efficient travel options.
作為本屆印尼鐵路峰會的支持單位,PT KCIC 將分享其在高鐵建設、運營和管理方面的豐富經驗,并與行業專家、政府代表和企業領袖共同探討印尼及東南亞地區鐵路交通的未來發展。我們期待通過本次峰會,進一步推動印尼鐵路行業的創新與合作,助力區域經濟的可持續發展。
As a supporting unit of this year's Indonesia Railway Summit, PT KCIC will share its extensive experience in high-speed rail construction, operation, and management. The company will also engage in discussions with industry experts, government representatives, and business leaders on the future development of rail transportation in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. We look forward to leveraging this summit to further drive innovation and collaboration within Indonesia's railway sector, contributing to the sustainable development of the regional economy.
【確認發言嘉賓/Confirmed Speakers】
Mayjend TNI (Purn.) Kasuri
Deputy Chief of Staff of President for Infrastructure and Regional Development, Executive Office of President (KSP)
印度尼西亞共和國總統辦公廳基礎設施與區域發展高級顧問&印度尼西亞智能交通協會 ITS 副總裁
Dr. Ir. Resdiansyah, ST. MT., IPM
Senior Advisor of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Executive Office of the President, Republic Indonesia (KSP)
Dr. Eng. Ir. IB Ilham Malik, ST. MT., IPM
Advisor of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Executive Office of the President, Republic Indonesia (KSP)
Director General of Railways
Ministry of Transportation Indonesia
中國印尼高鐵公司PT KCIC 物業及非票務中心總經理
Devin Pranata
General Manager, Property & Non Farebox
PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia-China
Sanyawit Aphichatapong
Deputy Chief Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer (Development)
The State railway of thailand
越南胡志明市城市鐵路管理局(MAUR) PMU1項目負責人
Hoang Mai Tung
Director of PMU1
MAUR Management Authority for Urban Railways of Ho Chi Minh City
Representative from MTR Corporation
Mega Tarigan
Head of Railway Operation Division
MRT Jakarta
James Kim
Deputy Director
Jeflysham Osman
Deputy Projec Director
Malaysia Rail LinkSdn Bhd
德國鐵路公司ECO 集團亞太區執行董事
Milind Nirmal
Executive Director-ECO Group , Asia Pacific,
Deutsche Bahn
Shaun Tan,Head of UITP Asia Pacific
【2025智軌獎項申報/Intelligent Rail Awards 2025】
最佳投資企業品牌獎/Best Investment Enterprise/Brand Award
智慧電能企業品牌獎/Intelligent Energy Award
安全監控識別企業品牌獎/Security Monitoring Award
自動售檢票系統企業品牌獎/Intelligent AFC System Award
綠色節能材料企業品牌獎/Green & Energy Saving Award
智能維保系統企業品牌獎/Intelligent Maintenance Award
站臺門系統企業品牌獎/Platform Screen Door Award
通信信號系統企業品牌獎/Signaling & Communication Award
網絡安全企業品牌獎/Industry Network Security Award
電梯設備推薦企業品牌獎/Escalator Award
杰出數字化企業品牌獎/Outstanding Digital Award
歡迎掃描海報二維碼申報獎項!Welcome to scan the QR code to apply!
【大會亮點/Highlights of IRS 2025】
一對一商業對接/Business Matchmaking One-on-one
全球軌交專家演講者/Expert speakers 25+
匯聚軌交行業嘉賓/On-site Attendees 300+
展商現場參與/On-site Exhibitors 10+
媒體合作/Media Partners 15+
推薦供應商獎項評選/Recommended Supplier Award 25+
【熱點議題/Key Topics】
Outlook for the ASEAN Rail Transit Market from a Global Perspective
Indonesia's Future Railway Transit Project Layout and Development Outlook
Bali Light Rail - The Green Artery, Driving a New Engine for Sustainable Economic Growth
Leading Innovation in Vietnamese Railways: Promoting Technological Advancement and Modernization
大數據與 AI 在軌道交通安全監控中的創新應用
Innovative Applications of Big Data and AI in Rail Transit Safety Monitoring
Digital Transformation Driving the Reshaping of Rail Transit Maintenance Models in the Global Context
Practical Experiences in the Intelligent Transformation of Singapore's Rail Maintenance
The Intelligent Maintenance Path of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway
Green Railway Technology: Driving Sustainable Development in the Railway Industry
TOD 模式在新加坡軌道交通項目中的應用
The Application of TOD Model in Singapore's Rail Transit Projects
Thailand's Dual-Track Railway and High-Speed Rail Projects: Driving Sustainable Transportation Arteries
Innovative Practices of Energy-Saving Technologies in the German Railway System
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